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Friday, September 2, 2011

Ufo's, Elenin, and the Age of what???

Supposed Ufo's 
I am sure most of you have heard of the comet Elenin and all the talk surrounding it. Is it real? Is it a hoax? or What? If you go to YouTube and type in Elenin, Planet X, Nibiru, Red or Blue Kochina, the Hopi Star, Dwarf star or a host of other names you will see what I mean. They are even saying now there are RF transmissions coming from the Elenin region telling us we are all going to die. There is a frenzy around these topics! Many, if not most center around ancient mythological Sumerian inscriptions and the many symbols they use.  I have spent several years following discussions on the New Age movements coming "New Age," Ufo's, and Sumerian myth. I do not claim to be an expert in any way, but God has given me discernment to know whether something is to be heeded or not.

First off I would like to say, as a Christian, we are not to listen to the doctrines of demons. Sumer was a haven for demonism. Those people lived and breathed in polytheism. Every event that occurred could find its answer in some sort of God and all things could be traced to one of them. Archaeology was never meant, in my estimation, to reveal secret wisdom from Ascended Masters, Annunaki-the gods of the netherworld, Apkallu-the envoys of the god Ea, and many other deities of the ancient pre-flood Ubaid period. Yet unearthing the ancient cache of tablets such as those at Nineveh, Tel-el-Marna, Nippur, Babylon, Ur, Nimrud, and other sites, have done just that. Instead of us seeing them as they are, the revelation of a society steeped in demonism, many are following the things they teach as fact, just like the ancients. In my book "Those Who Are Wise will Shine" I have a chapter titled "Battling the Culture of Myth." In the book I methodically explore this spiritual deception even devoting the two subsequent chapters to it based upon what the Bible teaches. In the book I declare my reasoning for doing so:

... it is important for us to note that the Sumerian culture as it existed in ancient times was steeped in demonism, mythology, and occult worship. This Epic (Gilgamesh) and the cache of documentation discovered alongside of it shed more light than ever on the post-flood culture that had thrived, having been perpetuated, from the days of Nimrod. Here the Tower of Babel was born. Here paganism had its roots. p. 88

And again:

The ancients of Sumer have left for us their own thread—a thread that goes back to the very essence of a rebellious angel who first deceived Eve in a garden paradise some six thousand years ago. They shed more light on events that were previously unknown except by scattered quotes in dusty histories. Prior to the previous two centuries or so, all we had from the ancient eras were speculations, but thanks to the ardent work of the many sciences at work, now we have the speculations in stone. p. 86

So even if it were true, that is to say, all the things that are being said on YouTube and on many other New Age and Conspiracy sites, are we as Christians supposed to believe them as fact? Sure many of the things we hear them say seem to have some references from Scripture mixed with their pagan sources. Are we to mix the awesome life-saving Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ with the demonic rantings and carvings of ancient pagans? Do you understand their source? Doesn't the Bible call Satan a liar and father of lies? Isn't he the Accuser of the Brethren, our enemy? Doesn't he roar on earth "like a lion ready to devour" and live to deceive?

What do we say then? Satan, as a counterfeiter of Christ, will do all and anything he can to deceive all who will listen, Mt. 24:23-26. That said, I believe there is some merit to all of this frenzy with a reference to being deceived. Listen to this post from LadyHawke, Sept 1st, 2011 on the site Intl.StarSeed Network:

It was announced the protective force field of Comet Elenin was indeed struck powerfully by an opposing force. However, it was also stated that which is known as Comet Elenin is 'still on course'. It was not destroyed. Those who are sensitives and intuitives also know this to be true on an inner level.

It should be clarified here - Comet Elenin is 'not' viewed by many of us as as a gloom and doom scenario. In fact, many hold an inner knowing 'just the opposite is true' - as was recently stated by Richard Hoagland. He suggested 'something wonderful' was about to happen.

Cosmic awareness just stated Elenin is a hollow planetoid guided by the Galactic Federation. It was also noted Comet Elenin is moving toward us now - 'to assist with the advancement of humanity'. Some believe the advanced technologies involved may well assist with the activation of dormant human DNA.

Many now sense an acceleration of both time and vibrational frequency on the planet. Kinesthesiology is one measurement tool which can be used to validate this. Even simply using ones observational skills will bring an awareness of the fact we are living in a time of the quickening.

Rayelan just asked a very good question: "What does ascension mean?" It was answered this is a process of uniting more fully with ones higher dimensional self thus creating many new possible realities.

Additionally, some will accomplish the transition to 5D earth with an alchemical physical transformation (lead to gold as it were). Others will leave their physical vehicle behind and their spirit will then incarnate into a higher frequency 5D body on the new earth. The doorway for this ascension process will open for some in the month of October 2011 and continue beyond 2012.

Cosmic awareness mentioned we are rapidly moving toward a great tsunami of transformational light.
Blessings and love,

So-called Ascended Masters
Ok, Do I need to translate? Do you see the deception? These folks are stating there will be a transformation of some that stay on earth into an alchemical physical transformation while others will be taken away to be transformed, supposedly by what is coming with Comet Elenin or Nibiru, or etc....!!!! This is the lie that I have been speaking about for years. When the Church is taken at the Rapture into heaven to be with the Lord Jesus Christ it is not to be transformed into some new enlightenment, but rather to receive our eternal home and ultimate reward for service with and to the Lord Jesus. I know it nearly sounds like what the new age is teaching but doesn't deception and counterfeits always do that? Or else it would not be called deception. Paul stated the following concerning the Antichrist who is a servant of Satan and demonic persuasions:

The coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan, with all power, signs, and lying wonders,
and with all unrighteous deception
among those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved.
And for this reason God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie,
that they all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness. 2 Thessalonians 2:9-12 (NKJV)


Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers. For what fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness? And what communion has light with darkness?
And what accord has Christ with Belial? Or what part has a believer with an unbeliever? 2 Corinthians 6:14-15 (NKJV)

The bottom-line is this, we as Christians know that the Second Coming of Christ is near and that catastrophic judgments will be coming upon mankind and the earth as a result of rejecting Jesus' offer of eternal life and as judgment against sin and oppression. Never does the Scripture state we are going to be taken away to be enlightened as if to one day return transformed to join the already enlightened on earth in some new age spiritual utopia. This is the sub-story that must be told in order for Satan to explain away the sudden disappearance of millions of Christians from the earth to be with the Lord. That deception alleviates the destructiveness and judgment for sin, Rom 3:23, 6:23. It also eliminates the need for mankind to be accountable to God Rom. 14:12. It is just what they want and what Satan would have you to believe. The question is, "Who are you going to believe?" Joshua said it best many centuries ago after leading the children of Israel into the promised land. He said:

"Now therefore, fear the LORD, serve Him in sincerity and in truth, and put away the gods which your fathers served on the other side of the River and in Egypt. Serve the LORD!
And if it seems evil to you to serve the LORD, choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the River, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you dwell. But as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD." Joshua 24:14-15 (NKJV)

Jesus is coming soon! But deception is rampant. Do not allow for an instant the teachings of paganism, demonism, and familiar spirits to control who tells you the future; neither mix (syncretize) their false hoods with the truth that is in Christ. Instead listen to the Lord. Let God and His Word have the only say. 
Yes signs are all around us telling us to look up. Deceptions, wars, earthquakes, storms, signs in the sun, moon and stars, and great fear falling on the hearts of humanity. All of these thing foretold in Scripture. I do not need to listen to a demon to tell me anything that will only deceive. Mankind is still sinful, no matter what, and we all need a Savior. That Savior--that Lord is Jesus Christ!


Bro. Mike


  1. This is a perfect dissertation for such an evil time as this, brother Mike! Thou hath captured the spirit of the age, under the oppression from the prince and the powers of the air and his minions. But the Lord Jesus Christ has conquered them all, in His Power and Might, through the Power of God....amen and amen!!

  2. Praise god Bro!!!! Isn't it the truth!! Satan is a counterfeiter pro tem!! May more read this so they will not be deceived!! Thanks for posting!!
